%0 Journal Article %T Multidisciplinary quality improvement initiative to standardize reporting of lung cancer screening %A Cubillos, Laura %A Brenner, Alison T. %A Birchard, Katherine %A Henderson, Louise M. %A Molina, Paul L. %A Pignone, Michael %A Ratner, Shana %A Rivera, M. Patricia %A Jones, Laura %A Reuland, Daniel S. %J Translational Lung Cancer Research %D 2018 %B 2018 %9 %! Multidisciplinary quality improvement initiative to standardize reporting of lung cancer screening %K %X Structured reporting of lung cancer screening (LCS) results with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) is necessary for appropriate follow-up and management of lung nodules. We describe processes for standardizing the reporting and tracking of screen-detected lung nodules by increasing documentation of Lung-RADS categorization of lung nodules. Our multidisciplinary team developed a project charter and key driver diagram, revised the radiology reporting template, and provided monthly audit reports to thoracic radiologists. Quarterly from Q1-2015 to Q2-2016, we measured the proportion of screening LDCT reports that included a documented Lung-RADS category. In Q1- and Q2-2015, no LDCT scans contained a Lung-RADS assessment. By the end of Q1-2016, 94% of screening LDCTs contained a Lung-RADS assessment with a recommended follow-up action. We developed systematic processes for lung nodule categorization, documentation, and tracking using Lung-RADS that improved structured reporting at one academic medical center. %U https://tlcr.amegroups.org/article/view/24227 %P S297-S301 %@ 2226-4477