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The (un)lucky seven—how can we mitigate risk factors for postoperative pneumonia after lung resections?

	author = {Koen C. H. A. Verkoulen and Iris E. W. G. Laven and Jean H. T. Daemen and Juliette H. R. J. Degens and Lizza E. L. Hendriks and Karel W. E. Hulsewé and Yvonne L. J. Vissers and Erik R. de Loos},
	title = {The (un)lucky seven—how can we mitigate risk factors for postoperative pneumonia after lung resections?},
	journal = {Translational Lung Cancer Research},
	volume = {13},
	number = {8},
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {},
	issn = {2226-4477},	url = {}