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A non-interventional biomarker study in patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung treated with nintedanib plus docetaxel following progression on chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy: LUME-BioNIS

	author = {Martin Reck and Konstantinos Syrigos and Skaidrius Miliauskas and Susan C. van’t Westeinde and Bartomeu Massuti and Hannes Buchner and Alexey V. Salnikov and Robert M. Lorence and Anne-Marit Ellingboe and Thomas Kitzing and Keith Kerr},
	title = {A non-interventional biomarker study in patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung treated with nintedanib plus docetaxel following progression on chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy: LUME-BioNIS},
	journal = {Translational Lung Cancer Research},
	volume = {13},
	number = {12},
	year = {2024},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {},
	issn = {2226-4477},	url = {}