Controversies on Lung Cancer: Pros and Cons

Debate 7: After stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for a peripheral early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, radiological suspicion of a local recurrence can (not) be sufficient indication to proceed to salvage therapy (Vol 5, No 6)

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Pros: After stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for a peripheral early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, radiological suspicion of a local recurrence can be sufficient indication to proceed to salvage therapy
Timothy K. Nguyen, David A. Palma

Cons: After lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for a peripheral stage I non-small cell lung carcinoma, radiological suspicion of a local recurrence is not sufficient indication to proceed to salvage therapy
Meredith Giuliani, Andrea Bezjak

Rebuttal from Dr. Nguyen and Dr. Palma
Timothy K. Nguyen, David A. Palma

Rebuttal from Dr. Bezjak and Dr. Giuliani
Meredith Giuliani, Andrea Bezjak


Debate 6: What is better/reliable, mitosis counting or Ki67/MIB1 staining? (Vol 5, No 5)

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What is better/reliable, mitosis counting or Ki67/MIB1 staining?
Mark Kriegsmann, Arne Warth

Ki-67 expression in pulmonary tumors
Lucian R. Chirieac

Ki-67 expression in pulmonary tumors—reply
Mark Kriegsmann, Arne Warth

Tumor cell proliferation, proliferative index and mitotic count in lung cancer
Lucian R. Chirieac


Debate 5: Can tissue biopsy be replaced by liquid biopsy? (Vol 5, No 4)

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Pros: Can tissue biopsy be replaced by liquid biopsy?
Marius Ilié, Paul Hofman

Cons: Can liquid biopsy replace tissue biopsy?—the US experience
Mari Mino-Kenudson

Rebuttal from Dr. Hofman and Dr. Ilié
Marius Ilié, Paul Hofman

Rebuttal from Dr. Mino-Kenudson
Mari Mino-Kenudson

Commentary on tumor heterogeneity
Helmut H. Popper


Debate 4. Should a patient with stage IA non-small cell lung cancer undergo invasive mediastinal staging? (Vol 5, No 3)

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Pros: Should a patient with stage IA non-small cell lung cancer undergo invasive mediastinal staging?
Carme Obiols, Sergi Call

Cons: Should a patient with stage IA non-small cell lung cancer undergo invasive mediastinal staging?
Herbert Decaluwé, Christophe Dooms

Rebuttal from Dr. Obiols and Dr. Call
Carme Obiols, Sergi Call

Rebuttal from Dr. Decaluwé and Dr. Dooms
Herbert Decaluwé, Christophe Dooms


Debate 3. Does concurrent chemo-radiotherapy remain the ideal treatment in fit patients with large volume unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer? (Vol 5, No 2)

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Pros: concurrent chemo-radiotherapy remains the ideal treatment in fit patients with large volume unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer
Bryan M. Rabatic, Feng-Ming (Spring) Kong

Cons: concurrent chemo-radiotherapy remains the ideal treatment in fit patients with inoperable large volume stage III non-small cell lung cancer
George Rodrigues

Rebuttal from Prof. Kong and Dr. Rabatic
Bryan M. Rabatic, Feng-Ming (Spring) Kong

Rebuttal from Prof. Rodrigues
George Rodrigues


Debate 2. Should a medically inoperable patient with a T2N0M0 non-small cell lung cancer central in the lung hilus be treated using stereotactic body radiotherapy? (Vol 4, No 5)

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Pros: should a medically inoperable patient with a T2N0M0 non-small cell lung cancer central in the lung hilus be treated using stereotactic body radiotherapy?
Katrina Woodford, Sashendra Senthi

Cons: should a medically inoperable patient with a T2N0M0 non-small cell lung cancer central in the lung hilus be treated using stereotactic body radiotherapy?
Ursula Nestle, José Belderbos

Rebuttal from Ms Woodford and Dr Senthi
Katrina Woodford, Sashendra Senthi

Rebuttal from Dr Nestle and Dr Belderbos
Ursula Nestle, José Belderbos


Debate 1. Should long-term CT scan follow-up be the standard of care in patients who are curatively treated for an early-stage non-small cell lung cancer? (Vol 4, No 4)

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Exploring controversies in lung cancer using structured pro-con debates
Suresh Senan

Pros: long-term CT scan follow-up should be the standard of care in patients who are curatively treated for an early-stage non-small cell lung cancer
Waël C. Hanna

Cons: long-term CT-scan follow-up is not the standard of care in patients curatively treated for an early stage non-small cell lung cancer
Jan P. van Meerbeeck, Halil Sirimsi

Rebuttal from Dr Hanna
Waël C. Hanna

Rebuttal from Dr van Meerbeeck
Jan P. van Meerbeeck


1 - 7 of 7 Items

The series “Controversies on Lung Cancer: Pros and Cons” was commissioned by the Editorial office, Translational Lung Cancer Research without any sponsorship or funding. Suresh Senan and Helmut H. Popper served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.