Review Article
Next generation sequencing techniques in liquid biopsy: focus on non-small cell lung cancer patients
Case Report
Controversies on Lung Cancer: Pros and Cons (Section Chairs: Suresh Senan, Helmut H. Popper)2
Meet the Professor3
1. The focused issue “Liquid Biopsy in Lung Cancer” was commissioned by the editorial office, Translational Lung Cancer Research without any sponsorship or funding. Miguel Ángel Molina-Vila served as the unpaid Guest Editor for the focused issue.
2. The series “Controversies on Lung Cancer: Pros and Cons” was commissioned by the Editorial office, Translational Lung Cancer Research without any sponsorship or funding. Suresh Senan and Helmut H. Popper served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.
3. The series “Meet the Professor” was commissioned by the Editorial office, Translational Lung Cancer Research without any sponsorship or funding.